The Nursery Teacher Training Course
A nursery teacher is supposed to have all-round knowledge about the principles of child growth and development, child care and management, child health and nutrition as propounded by our Nursery Teacher Training Course. She should also be well-versed with the essential practical aspects of teaching like creativity development, play activities to be done with children, story-telling, rhyme-reciting, lesson-planning etc. The Nursery Teacher Training Course (India) presented by ACSVT has been designed to impart such knowledge and develop these abilities/skills in our trainees who have undergone Nursery Teacher Training in India and abroad so that they can become ideal teachers.
Career prospects
Nursery Teacher Training Course (India) is a pre-requisite to become teachers, supervisors, curriculum planners, course co-ordinators, child-care takers in nursery / pre-primary schools. You can also start and manage your own nursery school/play school / pre-school, crèche / day – care centre / nursery hobby class, activity club, recreation centre, holiday camps etc.The untrained in – service teachers from various schools are also joining this course these days because (N.T.T.) Nursery Teacher Training has become an essential requirement for promotions and increments. Some parents do this Nursery Teacher Training course only to learn better child-rearing practices.
Candidates applying for the course will be required to have mandatory 10+2 level qualification.
Job Opportunities
Nursery teachers training course prepares the teachers to meet the demands of the young learners’ classroom. The course covers different methodologies and disciplinary techniques with a sharp focus on young learners.ACSVT’s Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training (NTT) opens many doors to numerous jobs as the course aims to equip the trainees with the approaches and methodologies of pre-primary teacher training which will strengthen employment opportunities. The course will provide the skills and experience to teach children in the age group of 0-5 years as nursery teachers. After a few years of experience the nursery teachers can work as early year’s coordinator or as deputy head in a primary school. They can also apply for the post of nursery school in-charge who is responsible to run the day to day operations of childcare settings. The course could be immensely helpful for early childhood curriculum developer, consultant associated with nursery schools and even for those planning to open a pre-school. The course is suitable for not only nursery teachers but anyone connected with nursery education.
- Basic computer Education
- Child Psychology
- Modern Methods of Teaching
- Nursery Education
- Personality Development & Parents Teacher Relationship
- Principles of Education
- School Organization and Planning
- Sociology & Guidance